As residents at Dream Farm Commons, WHIZ WORLD spent one week preparing for our collective ingestion. The whizzes used their time to inhabit Dream Farm Commons, create fermented foods, hand made vessels (modeled after the army's concrete infrastructure at the Headlands), and prepared a tableau which was activated at dusk under a half moon on January 27th. We took time to enter deeper into the realm of the unknowing in order to seek and return with sources of nourishment to share. We shared libations and incantations by Mirror Whiz and Snake Oil, a place-based meditations by Wind of the Whizzes, hand carved spoons by Scoop, a cleanse by Whiz Bits, a breath of smoke with the help of Babky Whiz, bread by Liz Whiz, and a nutritious and stunning meal by Byrd Evans. We ate with our whiz fingers and had help from the former homes of beloved sea creatures. In closing we communally shared our personal tenets and cleaned together. We were satiated.